Demon hunter forums diablo 3
Demon hunter forums diablo 3

I’m starting to think Blizz has no interest in fixing or cleaning up anything related to the exploit.

demon hunter forums diablo 3

Felt really good, but also super annoying that I can’t tell how it actually ranks up with all the exploit using cheaters on the leaderboards. Once you get it down, you won’t have to stop strafing any more to shoot HA.Yesterday I cleared a GR 140 with GoD. Either in town or somewhere relatively safe like the Fields of Misery, go strafe around and practice finding the rhythm. You have to fire in between strafe attacks. When people say “weave in an attack” they mean it literally. If you try to shoot HA while your attack is on cooldown from Strafe, the game will ignore it, the same way it would if you tried to reactivate Vengeance while it is on cooldown. You have to find the rhythm where you can weave in a HA, and you have to be able to adapt your rhythm to having Frenzied or Dimensional Speed, dual wielding or using 2h weapons. Whenever you attack, there is a brief cooldown before you can attack again. You can’t just hit HA whenever you want to because of this pesky thing called attack speed. I have to let go off strafe and hold down hungering arrow for 1-2s before I let go off it and hold down strafe again. If I hold down strafe and tap hungering arrow every few seconds nothing happens. You could just play it more simply by firing the primary manually and only strafing every five seconds (to get F/R and God4) or when you need to get out of danger. The same people that told you to perma-strafe are the same people that recommend weaving your primaries with Strafe, so feel free to not do it that way. They could have left all of those out, except area damage, and it wouldn’t make much difference.Īnd finally, to you and all the other people that can’t stop complaining about it, you don’t have to play GoD by perma-strafing. In many other instances, procced skills don’t proc other things, but the devs decided to include most of those to make the set play more viable, area damage being the most important one. To the other half of the question, why do the procced primaries proc other effects like WoC? the answer is again it was a deliberate decision by the devs. Otherwise you would literally have a one button build. It was a deliberate decision by the devs. Still not sure why the buffs from the wraps apply when strafing, but momentum doesn’t,

Demon hunter forums diablo 3